Quick start guide
Installing the python package
Python wheels are available on `PyPi `_. Install the latest
version of wrenfold with:
.. code:: bash
pip install wrenfold
wrenfold is also available as a `conda-forge `_ package:
.. code:: bash
conda install -c conda-forge wrenfold
**Alternatively**, python wheels may also be obtained from the
`GitHub Releases Page `_. Select the ``whl`` file
appropriate to your OS and python version. For example, for python 3.10 on arm64 OSX you would
download and install ``wrenfold-0.2.2-cp310-cp310-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl``:
.. code:: bash
pip install wrenfold-0.2.2-cp310-cp310-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl
Validating the install
After installation, open a python REPL and test that wrenfold can be imported:
.. code:: python
import wrenfold
print(wrenfold.__version__) # prints: 0.2.2
from wrenfold import sym
x, y = sym.symbols('x, y')
f = sym.cos(x * y)
g = f.diff(x)
print(g) # prints: -y * sin(x * y)
Generating your first function
To illustrate the wrenfold workflow, we will generate a small example function and then invoke the
generated code in C++ and Rust. To keep the code brief, we will choose something very simple for our
example - the `Rosenbrock `_ function:
.. math::
f\left(x, y\right) = \left(a - x\right)^2 + b\cdot\left(y - x^2\right)^2
First we express the function as a python function that manipulates wrenfold types:
.. literalinclude:: quick_start_files/quick_start_script.py
:language: python
:start-after: function_def_start
:end-before: function_def_end
The argument type annotations let wrenfold know what dimensions and numerical types to expect for
the input arguments to :math:`f`. Our python function returns two outputs:
#. The first is the value of the Rosenbrock function, :math:`f`. We specify that this will be the
*return value* of the generated C++ function.
#. The second is the Jacobian of :math:`f`, taken with respect to :math:`\left[x, y\right]`, which
will be an *output argument* of the generated C++ function.
To generate some actual code, we run:
.. literalinclude:: quick_start_files/quick_start_script.py
:language: python
:start-after: transpilation_start
:end-before: transpilation_end
Which produces:
.. literalinclude:: quick_start_files/rosenbrock.h
:language: cpp
A couple of observations about this output:
* The vector-valued input and output arguments were mapped to generic types. The generated function
constructs n-dimensional spans in order to read/write to the vectors ``xy`` and ``f_D_xy``.
* Terms that appear in both ``f`` and ``f_D_xy`` were extracted and shared between both outputs.
* Our generated code depends on the `wrenfold runtime `_,
a small header-only library that provides the :class:`wf::span` type.
.. tip::
The runtime is also installed by the python wheel. It can be found at
Calling the generated C++
Next, we will create a simple C++ program that evaluates our generated function. wrenfold functions
can be made to work with :doc:`any dense matrix representation `. In
this tutorial we will use `Eigen `_, as it is one of the most popular
choices and wrenfold supports it out of the box.
Our C++ file looks like:
.. literalinclude:: quick_start_files/main.cpp
:language: cpp
To compile it we need to provide include paths for Eigen and the wrenfold runtime headers. You may
need to adjust these paths for your system.
.. code:: bash
g++ -std=c++17 -I/usr/local/include/eigen3 -I/components/runtime main.cpp
And sure enough our test program outputs::
f = 0
f_D_xy = [0, 0]
.. tip::
The wrenfold repo contains
`a more complete version `_
of this example.
Calling generated Rust
By swapping out ``CppGenerator`` for ``RustGenerator``, we can emit rust code instead:
.. literalinclude:: quick_start_files/quick_start_script.py
:language: python
:start-after: rust_transpilation_start
:end-before: rust_transpilation_end
Which produces:
.. literalinclude:: quick_start_files/rosenbrock_crate/src/generated.rs
:language: rust
Like the C++ example, the generated rust code has a small runtime dependency. In this instance, it
is a set of traits for constraining the input and output arguments. These traits are found in the
`wrenfold-traits `_ crate. The ``wrenfold-traits`` crate
includes default implementations for use with
`nalgebra `_.
To test our generated function, we will create a small test crate with the following ``Cargo.toml``:
.. literalinclude:: quick_start_files/rosenbrock_crate/Cargo.toml
:language: toml
.. tip::
Note that we enabled ``features = ["nalgebra"]`` for the ``wrenfold-traits`` crate.
And the following ``lib.rs``:
.. literalinclude:: quick_start_files/rosenbrock_crate/src/lib.rs
:language: rust